Ein Film von Elisabeth Scharang
Auswahl Festivals
Berlin, 56. Internationale Filmfestspiele – 20. Panorama
Turin, 21st International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival “From Sodom to Hollywood”
Rio de Janeiro, 3rd ”Femina” – International Women‘s Film Festival
Athen, Berlinale in Athens
Zürich, “Pink Apple” Schwullesbisches Filmfestival
Luzern, PinkPanorama LesBiSchwules Festival
San Francisco, 30th “Frameline” International LGBT Film Festival
Oslo, 16th Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Budapest, 11th LGBT Film Festival
Barcelona, 11th International Gay & Lesbian Film Exhibition
Berlin, 4. Ladyfest
Wuppertal, Talflimmern
Montreal, 30th World Film Festival
Lissabon, 10th Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
Rio de Janeiro, International Film Festival
London, 14th Raindance Film Festival
Vancouver, 25th International Film Festival
Tampa, 17th International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Bremen, 13. Queerfilm Festival
Taipei, 13th Women Make Waves Film Festival
Hamburg, 17. Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage
Lodz, “a million different loves!?” queer film & video festival
Weiterstadt, 10. Schwul-Lesbische Filmwoche
Hannover, “Perlen” – Lesbisch-schwules Filmfest
Leipzig, “a million different loves!?” queer film & video festival
Hong Kong, Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
Münster, 8. Queerstreifen – lesbisch-schwule Filmtage
Sao Paulo, 14th “Mix Brasil” – Festival of Sexual Diversity
Bern, “Queersicht” lesbisch-schwules Filmfestival
Wiesbaden, Homonale – das schwullesbische Filmfestival
Bilbao, 4° “Zinegoak” Festival Internacional de Cine Gay/Lesbo/Trans
Prag, 9th “One World” International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Thessaloniki, 9th Documentary Festival – Images of the 21st Century
London, 21st BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
Toronto, 17th Inside Out – Lesbian & Gay Film and Video Festival
Amsterdam, Netherlands Transgender Filmfestival NTGF
London, 21st BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Tour
Freiburg, 17. Lesbenfilmtage
Paris, Festival International du Film Lesbien & Feministe
Esslingen, 19th QueerFilmFestival Esslingen